2 min readNov 27, 2020

Dear Community,

Another month of hard work has passed in a glance! This journey becomes even more interesting with every step we forward and we wanted to update the community on our progress during the month of November. Our development team has implemented several core application features. In this article, you will find out about how things are going on the exchanges, what’s new in ParamountDax, and what we have already done and what are planning to do in the nearest future.

✅ In recent weeks the development team has improved, corrected and completed these bugs:
Our most significant achievements include:

✔️ Changed the settings section
✔️ Improved usability of 2FA processes
✔️ Modified and simplified the KYC section
✔️ Added pop-ups and informational messages
✔️ Aesthetic improvements / crypto symbols update
✔️ Added select price function by clicking on trade history
✔️ Button to hide the order book details function
✔️ On deposit / withdrawal added explanation blockchain networks available
✔️ The API section has been renewed with new functions and details
✔️ New announcements & notifications page
✔️ API Key for users improved interface and functionality

☑️ We are developing instead:

🔘 New 2FA recovery process!
🔘 Bug fixes of various kinds!
🔘 Website and design process speed improvements!
🔘 Import historical candle data into charts!
🔘 OCO & OTO orders
🔘 New Advanced Trading page
🔘 New improved data in the referral report
🔘 Validation and automatic check of the address at the time of collection
🔘 Information pop-ups

Regarding the plans, our team will concentrate on several things. They include working on the exchange, system improvement, and development of next ones. We’re finishing our work on the mobile app version, working on the marketing strategy.

In summary, we are glad to have such a devoted and tight-knit community supporting us. It is very clear that a grassroots movement has formed around our project, and great things are to come.

Stay tuned for the latest news and updates from our team by following us on any of the official ParamountDax social media channel.

Good luck and see you soon!

Website: https://www.paramountdax.com

Btw, here are links to our social media channels you might be interested to join:

Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/LNehJxUX9sVoZabNrnaEZA

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ParamountDax


Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/paramountdax-exchange

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5137789.0

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/ParamountDax/




“A New Generation Crypto-Exchange” — ParamountDax offers a stage for the starting crypto broker, the accomplished crypto influencer & other digital currency.